US Naval Sea Cadet Corps Alamo Battalion: Youth leadership development in maritime education. Discipline, teamwork, and tradition for ages 10-18. Join us!

Cadet Frederick: Honoring a Family Navy Tradition

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Bravo Zulu to Cadet Wesley Frederick on his successful completion of Sea Cadet recruit training this summer and promotion to Seaman Apprentice. He is excited to be a Sea Cadet and is committed to honor the memory of his grandfather (photo, right) who passed away only one week prior to Cadet Frederick’s training. The photo on the left is of his great uncle, another Navy veteran who was also very ill during the same week.

Cadet Frederick’s Louisiana Recruit Training Class

Cadet Frederick returned from RT with a stronger commitment to his goal of serving in the United States Navy and is eager to experience the challenges of Sea Cadet advanced training.